медицинские пиявки
Natalia Koroleva
Certified Leech/Magots Practitioner - USA
Certified Hirudotherapy practitioner - Russia
Russian Professional Medical Association of Complementary and Alternative medicine. As aPractitioner, I gained expertise by attending the Research Center of Restorative Medicine. (Health Ministry of Russia, Moscow).
I learned hirudotherapy attending calsses of Konstantin Sukhov
I was Member of the First International World Congress «Medicinal Leech Therapy» (Moscow, 2013).
I am trained and certified in both countries: Russia and U.S.
My Mission:
To empower individuals with alternative, non-drug methods.
To augment modern medicine, aiming to revive ancient healing methods such as Medicinal Leech Therapy (and Medical Maggots) as a viable complementary therapy in clinical practice.

FDA approved 'hirudo medicinalis' as a MEDICAL TOOL
Note: I am leech practitioner, not a medical doctor.
Note: Leeches used only once and always disposed after a treatment.
I specializes in the methodical application of "hirudo medicinalis" based on clinical studies and medical reccomendations.

Hirudoterapy classes
Learn Leech therapy for yourself
or your loved ones!
I enjoy teaching Individuals
and group classes.
It is wise (and cheaper) to learn
how to help yourself.
The blood thickens with age. It calls hyper coagulation: cold feet and hands, bad teeth, cracked heels, thick nails, affected by fungus, hair and skin loose its beauty, vision and hearing declines. It is all signs of blood clots; blood is unable to break to the periphery, to the smallest vessels and capillaries.
Lerches are the natural "blood thinners" with no side effects.