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Take a holistic approach

to improve your health.


  • Hirudotherapy is the use of medicinal leeches as a natural treatment of many diseases.

  • Hirudotherapy is a CURE for the cause  not just its symptoms. The results are permanent. 

  •  Leeches are used in modern medicine because they work.

  • Leeches are gentle and sensitive creatures, they don’t seek to harm the host/human: It is symbiotic relationship.

Leech therapy is rapidly becoming popular again today as people realize how remarkably effective it is for a wide range of conditions. The use of Hirudotherapy is an alternative to pharmaceutical drugs and invasive procedures. It's freeing people from negative side effects and life long drug-dependant regimes. 


Historians think Egyptians used leech therapy 3,500 years ago. In ancient times, leeches were used to treat everything: reproductive functions, ear infections, hemorrhoids,  pneumonia and fevers, back pain, , rheumatism, headaches and melancholia, bone fractures and trauma. 


Scientific basis for the use of medicinal leeches were laid by scientists, doctors and biologists. 

Drugs were created to mimic leech healing power. 




“Within a healthy body, any diseased organ can be healed with help of cupping or leeching.” 

Avicenna (Ibnu Sinna)

What are the doctors saying about hirudothrapy?

The complexity and unique therapeutic effect

of medicinal leeches can be explained by the

Cells Humoral Theory: 

  • A human life is nothing but the sum of the lives of individual cells.

  • Our health depends on health of each individual cell.

  • The health of the each individual cell directly depends on the circulation.


Dr. Konsstantin Sukhov

"It's impossible to enumerate all the diseases that can be treated by leech therapy … and, oftentimes, leeches prevent people from having surgeries, especially in cases such as hemorrhoids, varicose veins, or blood clots”.

-Dr. Svetlana Comissarov


“This living pill ( the leech)  carries a whole pharmacy within itself! And when it attaches to the skin, it infuses our blood with more than a hundred different biologically active substances...”

– Dr. Vladimir Kozirev


“After undergoing a bypass surgery, many people are destined to take pills for years. The chemicals in them damage the stomach lining, the liver and the quality of the blood. I have achieved incredible results with leech therapy, which dissolves small clots while not having any negative impact on other organs.”

- Dr. Vladimir Koklushenkov


"Young women, who were unable to conceive with conventional medicine, became pregnants after a leech therapy.

– Dr. Vladimir Kozirev.


"I have witnessed many cases when drugs  worsened the condition of patients. Drugs  (artifisially) lower  blood pressure and block the blood supply. Without blood supply organ(s) have an ischemia.  As a result we have a disaster:  stroke or heart attack.

Dr. O. E. Gureeva ("Big secrets of tiny leech")


The organs most affected by hypoxia are: the brain and the heart. The lack of oxygen in the early stages provoke headache and arrhythmia. Later it turns into a heart attack or stroke. Leech has a unique ability, to lowers blood pressure,  to restore blood flow  and PREVENT heart attack and stroke.

Dr. O. E. Gureeva ("Big secrets of tiny leech")






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