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Med. Leeches
What do I like about leeches?
Leeches never fail to improve our health.
Hirudotherapy does NOT have side effects.
Improvements can be surprising on multiple levels of our physical, emotional and psychological health.
Give yourself this gift
if you plan to stay healthy,
if you plan to have a baby,
if you want to give your parents a better quality of live,
if your pets need a help without emptying your wallet,
People and animals can recover from chronic diseases... untreateable by western medicine.
Drugs can be good today and then... found to be dangerous tomorrow.
Leeches have come many centuries before antibiotics and earned the trust of many generations.
Therapeutic benefits of the medicinal leech:
Specific Benefits
Leeches are used to treat an astonishing number of ailments with remarkable results. Conditions that benefit include:
Improves arterial blood flow to the cell
Boosts cell venous and lymphatic drainage
Increases velocity
Restores cells funtions
Dissolves blood clots
Prevents stroke and heart attack
Regenerates venous collaterals
Releases inflammation
Renews blood
Boosts immune system
Fights parasites, fungus and bacteria
Replaces/reduses hormolal and high blood pressure therapy
Helps sexual development, function, and childbearing potentials
Regenerates body functions
Relieves pain
Improves the quality of life for aging population
Leech is 200 million years old creature.
It is a great -great....grandmother of all living mammals. We all inherited from annelids.
During millions of years leeches learn how to rejuvenate.
Leech has ability to regenerate and rebuild body functions ...Nobody can explain why and how do they do it...but they do it!

The Leech is a creation of Mother Nature
and has its majesty and complexity.
We still do not know
the limit of the healing power.
Somethings we can explain...
Somethings we cannot.
There is always
space for a miracle.
What do you need to know about leech treatment.
It is recommended that the day of the procedure you have a chance to rest, not to be in a hurry and you cannot drive.
After the procedure you may feel weak, lightheaded or sleepy. Leeches have a morphine like effect on people. Tiny wounds will be oozing... your cloth will be stained.
After the procedure you may feel weak, lightheaded or sleepy. Leeches have a morphine like effect on people. Tiny wounds will still be open and it is recommended you wear an old shirt. Normal time of bleeding is from 6 to 72 hours. If fluids come out for less than 6 hours - it is trouble. The name of the trouble is "Congestion".
What is congestion? It is the 5 pm traffic jam inside your circulatory system:
It is bad for you.
The amount of blood you lose is not significant (5 mg). Most of it is a blood colored liquid ( lymphtic liquid is 1/4 of body mass) Sometimes your practitioner will promote blood/lymph expelling, in order to have a better result.
Post bite reaction is a perfect indication of your "State of Health".
Most people WILL have a post-bite leech reaction: itching, swelling, enlarged lymph nodes. Do not panic! A swollen Lymph Node is like a toll booth on your congested highway, where "Traffic" is blood circulation, altered by leech saliva. Lymph node can be overwhelmed and fail to process/clean lymph at this new speed. The node will shut down, just like traffic at 5 pm. It will clear, but it takes time.
Who will NOT have a post-bite reaction? It is children and young adults (in perfect health), animals, pets... because they are healthy and sufficient. Do we need to help healthy ones? Yes. It can be trauma, Intoxication and Respiratory Infections (other infections).
Severity of leech "post bite reaction" depends on your health conditions, age, weight and type of your skin. Skinny people have less post-bite leech reaction.. heavy people - more. Pale/bluish skin has more... Big belly person - more! People with Acidosis, Parasites & Fungus infestation will have strong reaction: inflammation, congestion and itching. Blood (expulsion) will be dark and thick, like a jelly, with strong odor at the beginning of treatments.
Later - your blood/lymph formula will improve dramatically. You can expect healthy pinkish color, no odor and no blood clumps coming out.
15% of people do not tolerate Leech Therapy. It is OK. But!!!... At the same time 15% of people, who despite leeches, will agree to leeches.... in order to save a leg, arm, or fingers, for post-surgery treatments.
It is all in your head.
Do not consume garlic, strong spices, coffee before treatment.
Do not use perfume or aromatic soaps. Ideal is laundry soap. (It has right Ph for the leech to bite). Do not be loud and nervous.
Leech is a gentle and (living) creature - your medical "tool"
I may come once or twice a week to the comfort of your own home. 50+ leeches are needed for a course of 10 sessions. Emergency leech sessions are effective in case of trauma, congestion, detoxification.
(Alcohol, drugs, environmental hazards)
You may consider hirudotherapy for dog and cat sudden paralysis. Timing is crucial for paralysis and head trauma:
Call "leech emergency"..
Leeches are prohibited for people with the following conditions:
Hemophilia. hemorrhagic diathesis, low blood pressure, pregnancy, exacerbation of mental illness, the presence of malignancy (cancer) and allergic reaction.
General Benefits of hirudotherapy:
Upon biting the patient, leeches inject over 140 biochemicals into the bloodstream. Anticoagulation agents in the leech’s saliva allow the blood to flow freely through the system. Strong anti-clotting agents dissolve blood clots and prevent them from forming in the vessels. Vasodiliating agents work to widen the blood vessels, improving blood flow within the body. All of these elements work in perfect harmony to improve circulation, normalize blood pressure and heart rate, promote organ function and healthy cell growth throughout the entire body.
The leeches bite has anti-inflammatory and pain relieving (anesthetic like) effects. Antibacterial agents help fight off infections. In general, the leech boosts your immune system – promoting self-healing and encouraging natural recovery.