медицинские пиявки
Leech Therapy can benefit a wide range of conditions and effectively helps the following :
Cardiovascular Diseases: Ischemic heart disease, hypertension, heart failure, Stroke (Prevention and postcare)
Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Diseases: hepatitis, pancreatitis, cirrhosis of the liver
Post-Surgical recovery.
Traumatology: bruises, recovery of broken bones, head trauma.
Inflammatory diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue.
Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids,
Cerebrovascular, Neurological, spinal dysfunctions.
Ophthalmology : inflammatory diseases of the eye, glaucoma, and retinal diseases.
Gynecology: acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of uterus appendages. Infertility.
Urology: acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the urinary system and sexual dysfunctions.
Stomatology: periodontitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, chronic gingivitis and periodontitis.
Veterenary: Leech treatment is effective with dog/cat paralisys It works well for race horses speedy leg recovery. Zoo and farm animals benefit from leech treatments.
Therapeutic benefits of the medicinal leech:
Specific Benefits
Leeches are used to treat an astonishing number of ailments with remarkable results. Conditions that benefit include:
Improves arterial blood flow to the cell
Boosts cell venous and lymphatic drainage
Increases velocity
Restores cells funtions
Dissolves blood clots
Prevents stroke and heart attack
Regenerates venous collaterals
Releases inflammation
Renews blood
Boosts immune system
Fights parasites, fungus and bacteria
Replaces/reduses hormolal and high blood pressure therapy
Helps sexual development, function, and childbearing potentials
Regenerates body functions
Relieves pain
Improves the quality of life for aging population

Hirudo Orientalis. Leech just had a blood meal... She is big and looking for a shelter. Leech won't bite for another 3-6 month.

Truck driver's legs (smoker's legs) poor circulation, varicose veins and The Hemorrhoids... Help is here. It is cheap simple and sufficient.

How does it works? Just like that! No blood, no pain, (the same sensation as you check electric battery with you tongue... for a minute) NO blood!, while it is is working...NO crawling all over your body. It will stay firmly in one spot. Leech will suck toxins out of your body, it will suck your polluted lymph.... Leech WILL add a "good stuff" to the blood. Blood formula improves dramatically right after first leech session.

Hirudo Orientalis. Leech just had a blood meal... She is big and looking for a shelter. Leech won't bite for another 3-6 month.
Initial Consultation and leech allergy test: 1.5-2 hours - $145.oo
10 ssesions is $1000.00
Single ssesion $130.00
20% cash discount.